Q: Assalumalikum,
My question is regarding marriage. I havent been very practicing before a few years, during that time I met a boy who liked me and eventually we were in a relationship without committing any major sin (zina).
(We have deleted the rest of your case because you told us to not make it public. Woman are sending us cases relating to coercion for purposes of marriage, being told to marry people mainly for green card purposes, threats from those that are close to them, claims made to them in the lines that if they don’t corporate with family decision making matters, their life would be in danger, actual beat ups by brothers and sisters, for lack of cooperation, etc. At the end of these emails, no different from yours, you tell us the following: ‘I would like to request to not post the question on the internet if its possible at all and reply via email.’ We are sorry, if we cannot post, we cannot respond. Should the matter be important to you, merely call us up and you are welcome to remain anonymous. Trying to help in such matters has a tendency to place our situation in jeopardy. Out of mere politeness, we are keeping the response brief.)
A: Walaikumsalam,
If you feel that you are inclined to doing adult related activities, it would be best to get married. Based on the abuse that would be presented upon you, as you have described, limit your contact with your current family to the extent necessary. For purposes of security, visit them only with your spouse.
Your have portrayed your family to be inclined towards major violence; I would recommend counsel prior to taking any drastic measures. May Allah (SWT) protect you, Ameen.
Allah Certainly Knows Best.