Q. Salaam ul aikum, I would like to know the Islamic viewpoint upon watching movies for entertainment. For the sake of argument, what if there is nothing wrong (no bad scenes, no drinking, etc) within the movie? Would it be permissible to watch? Or should we find other halaal forms of entertainment? In my heart I feel hesitant to watch. Please advise and thank you in advance. May Allah reward you. (Ameen)
Q. I read your q and a on television. You seem to be implying that there is a halal way of watching television, I guess movies, internet … can you’ll please explain how you have done this?
Answer: For those needing to watch media related materials for class/school projects, work related concerns, none-passive viewing, etc., we share the following the cordial advice:
General facts as to why the average person watches television: People in the modern era have more time compared to their predecessors, (lack of the need for foraging,) weekends off, extended holidays, etc. Although our youth go to school, college, have part time employment; the average youth lacks the stringency for survival skills as did people of the past. As a result of excess time coupled with the fact that parents and youth give priority towards entertainment above religiosity. Entertainment and excitement have come to captivate our lives.
Pressures of the world do not help either and tends to push the fickle minded individual into greater isolation by subliminally providing fantasy as a tool of vicarious reality. Overtime, matters become blurred due to the extensive emotional investment into media as an ‘illusory necessity.’ It becomes indiscriminately part of our integral life, and for some, media has come to play a great part of their core existence. It has come to function as social support and a major contributor of wanted as well an unwanted ideas, etc. For better or worse, passivity gradually changes our thinking for the worst. Only the intellectually prudent as well as the one who is a superior self monitor notices the subtle changes in their settings as a result.
To give sanction to media:
For media to be religiously sanctioned, an established decisive factor would be that its viewing must impart beneficial knowledge which remains within the religious and educational domain which inevitably does not conflict with the qualities of a healthy society and mind. Additionally, if the behaviors of characters promoted on and off stage contradict with our values of honor, dignity, religiosity, etc., then it would be recommended that such viewing be eliminated and we immediately try and substitute such unbecoming viewership with an enhanced ‘quality of viewing.’
Islam demands us to view only such media wherein it creates values that inspire a positive outcome on an individual as well as collective level. Thus, if various forms of media are used to view educational programs, for example, the National Geographic channel to enhance one’s knowledge of the sciences and humanity, etc., then it would be permissible. If the various media outlets are used to view gossip, distracts a true believer from the remembrances of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) while also having minimal value to increasing one’s knowledge of Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) and the environment, then it would be appropriately stated that such an action of futility hinders the advancement of self and humanity, and thus television and similar forms of media would be considered impermissible.
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The life of this world is but play and amusement: and if you believe and guard against Evil, He will grant you your rewards, and will not ask you (to relinquish) your possessions. (47:36)
Your claim of reluctance:
Thus, a person’s hesitancy should never be downplayed and should be viewed as an indication that Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) is guiding your heart and mind to do the right thing. Media viewing is not limited to lewd scenes, it is also extended to the subliminal messages they imparts. You should not second guess yourself and you should not ignore the Insight form Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) that has come your way. You should be thankful for such Insight, for Allah (subhanahu wa ta’ala) loves for His servants to appreciative of the insights He gives them and that they are obedient to act upon the ‘good insight’ they receive.
This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise, it is nothing but wires and lights in a box.
— Edward R. Murrow
Allah certainly knows best.