Q: Assalamu alikum sheikh,
1) I have a question regarding botox. I’m 20 years old and am always stressed out due to school, im doing pre-law, anyway, i’ve been told that stress will bring wrinkles sooner than you expected. 2) My questions is; is botox or anti wrinkle creams permissible in islam? Im not planning on using it because of wrinkles due to old age, but of stress.
Time: Sunday March 6, 2011 at 10:27 am
Answers: ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ???????
A1:In light of medical advances and practices, i do appreciate your question.
- The ingredients in botox make it impermissible for mere cosmetic purposes. Halal substitutes in the form of creams do exist and must be opted instead of botox. Botox usage and outcome is limited — once one starts with such a procedure, it becomes likely that the person would continue with its usage.
- Research indicates that its benefit is limited as it relates to having lasting positive effects. Some researchers have also implied that botox has a placebo affect than an actual recognizable change.
- People that use botox have a predisposition to continually do so. Islam is not into seeking its members to align themselves with aspects on continual vanity.
- Its permissibility is for serious cases that remain doctor recommended. One must prove its necessity for its usage.
- Creams can always be used instead of botox. The ingredients in such ‘luxury’ creams must be of acceptable (halal) in caliber. One cannot smear the face with elements of pork and other like products.
Some added points:
You mention, ‘i have been told that stress will bring wrinkles.’ Unwanted worries would cause a compounding effect of additional worries and thus result in possible wrinkles! Stress could cause many other things too, a lousy posture, wrinkling, higher blood levels, bad eating habits, reduction in exercise, lack of concentration, etc. So do not merely worry about your face as it relates to effects of stress. Face comes and goes (ask a 91 year old.) I would focus on other aspects that would assist in your ‘entire’ system being healthy and content. This would make your face radiate.
Allah Certainly Knows Best.
p.s. (Keep this last part between us. Do not let your favorite plastic surgeon find out about this.)
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