Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Making up for tawaf ziyarat


Q. OK, I got the point you have made here regarding woman and her menses. But that is the easy stuff.

Now (my case) what happens when I am in hajj, as it happened to me three years ago and it happens to many other woman to. My menstruating cycle went into the 8th day. We also were with a group, and I could not do my own thing. I had to leave but had to do tawaf-e-ziyarat. So my scholar, our guide told me that Allah would forgive me for all the money I spent to come for the hajj. Now you are saying something else above. So in my case what would a woman do. Can you guys agree on our Hajj for once!!! (Question sent 2nd time in…I did phone this question in and you said to email that talk on the phone with you, do you remember Imam?)

A. May Allah reward you for your patience and re-sending your question to us. In your case, based on the fact that you were on the 8th day of your menstrual cycle, limited in your scheduling arrangements regarding its changers with the airlines, etc, amongst your limited choices were for you to make your Tawaf in the state of impurity. (This is based on the fact that you had to leave and could not stay any longer to do your tawaf-ziyarah in a state of purity.  However if your Hajj tour guide was merely a tour guide and not a person knowledgeable on the rulings of hajj, or was a scholar but was ignorant of the rulings, or just refused to ask the many others that were more familiar about its rulings, then it is your fault for being naive about the people you ask regarding matters of Deen! So no passing on the buck with us.)

Your penalty:
There would also be a penalty for what occurs in a situation such as the one you had outlined. The penalty (also known as Dumm) for doing the Tawaff-e-ziyarat in the above outlined situation would be for you to slaughter a camel. Should this happen again to you, and you are limited on funds at the time of completing your tawaf, then you would have to slaughter the camel at a later point. However, it is something you would need to have done. Its meat must also be distributed in the vicinity of the Haram as well.

Should you ask, “how I can slaughter after my departure from Mecca?” then answer is simple: find trusted people there who would do it for you upon the attainment of funds, etc.

(Take the above response to your mufti, tour guide scholar. Should he reject our response, tell him to send us his ‘opinion’ in writing.)

Allah certainly knows best.

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