Q. Assalamu Aalikum,
For sisters 1) who do not get married or 2) wish to get married, who serves as a mahram for them?
Time: Monday July 13, 2009 at 8:21 pm
Answer: ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ???????
A person not getting married (1) and not wishing to get married (2) are both separate issues.
In the first case, their fathers, uncles, brothers and other close responsible guardian-types would assist in making marriage a reality for them. In an Islamically bound country, the religious leaders and religious organizations would assist in an undertaking towards these women and their needs.
A person not wanting to get married without a valid reason is going against the Hadith which states: any person not inclined to my Sunnah (in this case marriage without a valid reason) is not part of me (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam).
For valid reasons one can decline a proposal. Valid reasons would include incompatibility, lineage releated isues, lack of attraction, religious ineptness, etc.
Allah Certainly Knows Best.