Assallamu alaykum w rahmadulah w baraktu,
imaam, I would like you to forgive me. I have made a mistake and said something you didnt say but understood it wrong etc. please forgive me? May Allah reward you Jannah!!!!!! (muslimah)
Time: Sunday September 6, 2009 at 3:25 pm
?????? ?????? ????? ???? ???????
Sorry, but this Imaam is a lover of Allah (Subhanahu Wata’Ala)and all the prophets including Rasulullah (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam). He is also aware of his religious rights as well as his obligations.
Anyone who knows Musa (AS) also knows his (AS) attributes and his (AS) inclination to tough love methods.
Having said that, in order to gain your forgiveness, merely tell us what you have said, and according to that we/he would forgive you. Just like a person would not buy all the candy bars in a given store, we don’t forgive it all at once. You must be specific as to what you said and did regarding him, and he would reciprocate in kind. The issue is not forgiveness as much as it is the principle of the matter.
You are welcome to use the same method/standards against the imaam and his islaminaction.wordpress team.
As far as jannah is concerned, I hope you do not become the partial means of my attaining jannah as a result of lies, etc. spoken. May Allah (Subhanahu Wata’Ala) award you jannah as well (with pending forgiveness as per conditions above.)
Allah Certainly knows Best
(Student 745)
(As partly dictated)
p.s. Please do not send us emails on the Mercy of the saints. We are aware of them as well. As stated, we know our rights. we respect yours, and you do likewise for our team.