Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Children and wudhu


Q. Children sometimes urinate while their diapers are being changed. Does the person changing the child, that very child that has just urinated on my hand, make a fresh wudhu once the child has been changed? Does touching a child’s private part break my wuzu?

A. The Ahnaf consider the ‘changers of diapers’ to have their wudhu intact, despite cleaning urine, blood, etc. Shawafee state that the wudhu is broken only if the inner palm area of the ‘ diaper changer’ had touched the front and or the (inside surface) anus of the child being changed.

Thus, we advice the parent that when changing a child, try not to use the inner  palm portion of your hand to cleanse the private area of a child. That way you would not be in doubt as to whether your wudhu is broken or not. (May you continue with the joys of parenthood, Ameen.)

Allah certainly knows best.

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