Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Woman and itikaf


Question: Assalamu alaykum
So s friend and I were having a conversation about observing I’tikaf. My friend says that a woman can do it at her own house rather than at the masjid, now I would understand if that was for reasons such as health and her husband refusing her to go, but if the woman is capable of going to the masjid and wants to perform i’tikaf then it must be done at the masjid…right?
I suppose my question is where can a woman perform I’tikaf is it at the masjid or at it her house?
jazakallahu khair

Time Sent:  June 11, 2009


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Woman and itikaaf :

Woman should observe their itikaaf within the confinements of their home. The chosen place can be the one she has specified for her regular salaah, ibadah and other  spiritual deeds and actions.

A woman is not allowed to come to the masjid to do her itikaaf . When she does come to the musjid, she can make niyat for nafl itikaf for that duration of her stay (i.e. 15 or 20 minutes). Such an itikaaf is termed as nafl itikaaf . Nafl Itikalf remains less stringent than the itikaaf which constitutes of a minimum of a day and night.  As for the true itikaaf of a day and night or beyond, she cannot commit herself to performing it in the musjid.

A woman should not do nalf itikaaf as defined of that which constitutes for a day and night even in her home if her husband and family place valid objections that would limit her everyday tasks. In fact, her reward to help her family at times would be greater in merit then the reward of itikaaf, if it is to be viewed in its proper context.

The woman must sit in the place she has chosen within her home, not leave unless for necessary tasks. Should she leave it for a non-specific valid reason, her itikaf would break and a makeup of it would be necessary.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.


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