Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Yusuf (Alai His Salam)



Yousif Alihsalam’s story is one of my favorite story. But i am confused on Zalikha’s role in that story. I know that she fell in love with him and accused him and sent him to prison but what happens after that? i have read in different books different story. I heard that it is not mentioned in the Quraan if she married him or not but in a different book that i read a while ago and do not exactly remember what it was called mentioned that she had asked for her beauty of the other world and was living with Yousif. Please Clarify. Jazakallah


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  1. As we had mentioned as part of our ramadaan Tafseer program, in the case of Yusuf (AS) your question focuses on a category that falls under what the uluma call ‘Israli riwayat.’ Simply stated: we do not necessarily accept nor reject certain claims. It is best not to do so unless we can substantiate our claims with legitimate proofs. To make an issue of its acceptance or rejection would not be recommended either.
  2. When stories of Prophets are discussed, it is best to stay focused on that which derived from Quran and Authentic Hadith, and accepted Tafseer works. However, sometimes commentators do add ‘flavor’ that is viewed as credible. Amongst them being the portion you have inquired about pertaining to the story of Yusuf (AS). The israli riwayat states: Once Yusuf (AS) was traveling with his entourage. He was gracefully  aging and never lost his beauty. He (AS) was graceful to look at, like all other prophets and remained focused on the worship of Allah (Subhanahu Wata’Ala) which enhanced the Noor of Allah upon himself. A woman remained on the side (possibly on the road), and as He (AS) passed her by. She looked up and saw it was Yusuf (AS). She could not miss the fanfare that was passing by. She requested to approached and greet the leader of the people. “Oh Yusuf (AS) do you remember me?’ He responded: ‘No.’ Therein she claimed: ‘I am Zulaikha.’ She asked him to make duaa for her so she could regain her beauty. His (AS) duaa was accepted and Zulaika was given her beauty in this world in exchange of attaining it in the hereafter.  They got married… Thus, some even refer to her as Zulaika Alayhers-salam (which means, upon her is Allah blessings!)
  3. To our (student) audience, what was the lesson of having her beauty being exchanged for the hereafter? What was the purpose of Yusuf (AS) marring her? Why do some award her the title of Alyhers-salam? These are few easy questions. Kindly answer them for us, so we know that our audience is not shortsighted in their reasoning….

(Correct answers attain an award of a candy bar… sorry, you’ll have to award it to yourself)

Allah Certainly Knows Best.


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