Q. Assallamu alykum,
jazzkAllahu kharian for everything! I have two questions. How could a person win Allah’s love? and what are the steps to winning his love?
Answer: ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ???????
To get it all, you must give it your all:
To attain the love of anything, one must posses love and passion for that which that they endear. Another criterion is to obey the Belovered to attain the love of the Belovered. One cannot increase their love for Allah whilst following the ways which contradict His pathway.
Steps to winning the Love of Allah (Subhanahu Wata’Ala):
Abstain from the kabair (major sins). Avoid falling into the category of the seven destructive habits. Never even remotely enjoin partners with Allah, never practice sorcery, never take a life without justice (or accuse someone wrongfully so as to have their life taken), avoid the taking of riba (usury), usurping the rights and property of an orphan, fleeing the battle field, never accuse a chaste woman of wrong doing. (paraphrased form Hadith)
Keep your eyes focused, they are the windows to your heart (ache)
Additionally, keep the eyes away from looking at that which is forbidden. Avoid intermingling with the opposite gender. It creates lust in the heart which could manifest itself in real life adverse situations. Avoid gossiping about people. Never carry tales. Practice silence. Practice patience. Practice what you preach, or remain silent. Never obey people in matters of evil. Command righteous behavior without thinking of yourself as better then others. Abstain from the forbidden, regardless of its temptation. Violating the rights of the innocent makes the anger of Allah become worthy upon a criminal. Allah created humanity, Allah loves humanity, when we hurt humanity, we become worthy of the anger of Allah.
In order to keep up with good actions, never let go of your salah, zakah, hajj when possible; always take the kalimah seriously and live up to its expectations. Rejecting such simple injunctions would reduce the necessary continual love and mercy of Allah (Subhanahu Wata’Ala).
Ask yourself, what must people do to win the favor of one another? What must I do to win the favor of my teacher, employer/ee? Since Allah is Greater then all entities, is He not more worthy of us doing the best? Reflect of this, your life would Insha-Allah turn towards a winners combination of both the worlds, Ameen.
Allah Certainly Knows best
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