Q. My parents reject all my proposals. Do I have to obey them? To explain [omitting details…]
A. If you are in a situation wherein you must get married, and there is a possibility of adultery, then explain the situation to your parents. To abstain from zina, you can get married with the consent of an uncle, brother, and in the worst case, your local (reputable) community leader that would be willing to perform the nikah upon evaluating your case.
However, if you are not tempted to haram, and your situation continues to be bearable, then in such a situation it would be best to listen to your parents in all halaal matters.
As a side note: United States law requires that a couple have a marriage license certificate prior to a nikah being religiously performed. This is to prevent men and woman from marrying a person whilst they are married to someone else.
Allah Certainly Knows Best.