Question: 1) Ramadan is approaching and I go to a Mazjid in which we had a conversation and based on YouTube videos, I’m getting contradictory responses on the 2 rakats before fajr salah, is it fard or just a sunnah. Can one pray it after the fard prayer, how about after the iqama? Or after sunrise? Are there any proofs we can cross check. Please only share Hanafi views. Jak 6/13/2023
Question:2) ASA: Is the 2 rakats before fajr a subcontinent thing or all muslims and all madhabs thing? Do fard not have preference over Sunnah. I just follow quran and hadith. 11/19/2024
Question: 3) Asalamulaikum WRB, Based on the above Hadith, why there is an opinion that one can offer 2 rakat fajr sunnat even if imam started fard provided it finishers one that has time to complete sunnah. Narrated Malik Ibn Buhaina: Allah’s Apostle passed by a man praying two Rakat after the Iqama (had been pronounced). When Allah’s Apostle completed the prayer, the people gathered around him (the Prophet) or that man and Allah’s Apostle said to him (protesting), Are there four Rakat in Fajr prayer? Are there four Rakat in Fajr prayer?” 01/30/2025
Answers: Walaikumsalam,
We live in an era where it is fashionable for some to claim, “I just follow Quran and Hadith” while dismissing the opinions of scholars or established schools of thought when it is self-fulling. Such folks, in their attempt to ‘purify their practice,’ they inadvertently fall into the trap of acting as their own mujtahid – religious expert. At times, they also give the impression that the positions of a school of thought are merely the views of individuals – detached from any evidence rooted in the Quran or Hadith. This kind of thinking not only misleads many but also reduces the profound spiritual rewards that come from adhering to a well-grounded tradition, as cherry-picking evidence undermines the holistic understanding of Islamic teachings.
Moving forward, I will outline a set of proofs to share with you. First, I apologize for the delay in my response. It is important to remember that rulings in Islam are not based on mere conjecture or isolated Hadiths without a thorough understanding of their context. With that in mind, let us begin.
Clarification on Praying Sunnah After the Iqama Based on Hanafi Principles
The Hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari states that the Rasool ﷺ saw a man performing two rakah after the Iqama had been given for Fajr. Rasoolﷺ then asked him: Are there four rakahs of Fajr? (Sahih Bukhari)
Some have narrowly interpret this as a prohibition against praying any Sunnah after the Iqama, meaning that if a person has not yet prayed the Sunnah of Fajr, they should abandon it entirely and proceed directly to the congregational prayer. A better interpretation as also accounted by the Ahnaf — while upholding the sanctity of this Hadith, reconciles this hadith with other authentic narrations to present a more comprehensive understanding.
1. Contextualizing the Hadith: Was This an Absolute Prohibition?
Rasool ﷺ’s question to the sahabi is not because he (saw) did not know the answer, nor was it a rebuke, it appears to be a corrective measure, emphasizing the importance of joining the congregation on time and try to not be late. The Hadith does not explicitly state that the Sunnah of Fajr cannot be prayed at all after the Iqama. However, if one decides to pray after the Iqama, it comes with condition associated with it — one of them being, the Muqeem (person to join the salah) would at least get one Rakah with the Imaam.
2. Relevant Hadith for better Understanding: Rasool ﷺ ordered making up the Sunnah of Fajr if missed:
Qays ibn Qahd (RA) reported that he prayed Fajr with the Prophet ﷺ, but he had not prayed the two Sunnah before it. So after Fajr, he began praying two rak‘ahs. The Prophet ﷺ saw him and said, “What are these two rak‘ahs?” He replied, “O Messenger of Allah, I did not pray the two rak‘ahs before Fajr, so I am making them up now.” The Prophet ﷺremained silent. (Sunan Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi,)
This shows that missing the Sunnah of Fajr does not mean it should be abandoned entirely but rather some have derived from this example 1) Its emphasis 2)It can be made up later.
3. Rasool ﷺ’s emphasis on the Sunnah of Fajr:
Rasool ﷺ said: The two rak‘ahs of Fajr are better than the world and everything in it. (Sahih Muslim)
Rasool ﷺ also said: Do not leave the two rak‘ahs of Fajr, even if you are trampled by horses. (Sunan Abu Dawood and Ibn Majah)
Such strong statements indicate that the Sunnah of Fajr is not something to be permanently abandoned if missed, the above also imply that one should make an earnest effort to complete it.
4. Thus, the Hanafi Ruling Prioritizing Both Sunnah and Congregation
The Hanafi School, based on the view of varying Hadiths, provides a nuanced ruling. Here are common scenarios we have seen take place and their responses:
Scenario 1: The Person Has Not Yet Started the Sunnah When the Iqama is Called
If one has not yet started the Sunnah of Fajr and the Iqama is called, then they should proceed directly to the congregation and pray the Sunnah after the Fard prayer but before sunrise, more so if they know that they not even going to get a Rakah with the imaam. As one is aware, Imaams read in varying lengths, some long and some short, if one is aware of the imams pattern, this can resolve this matter for them.
Scenario 2: The Person Has Already Started the Sunnah When the Iqama is Called
If one has already begun the Sunnah when the Iqama is called and is confident they can finish quickly and still catch the congregation, then they may complete it.
This is based on reports where some companions finished their Sunnah quickly before joining the Fard prayer, and Rasool ﷺ did not prohibit it. However, if there is a risk of missing the congregation is present, then it is better to stop the Sunnah and join immediately and then do a makeup for the broken (sunnah) salah. Makeup is necessary because Allah (SWT) states in the Quran, do not break your good action. (paraphrased.)
Scenario 3: Making Up the Sunnah of Fajr After Fard Prayer
If a person misses the Sunnah of Fajr due to the Iqama being called, they have the option to pray it immediately after the Fard prayer, so long as it is after sunrise. If they did so after the Fajr salah, although this would work, it is better they did it privately, so as to not show people they they were neglectful. We should conceal our sins and errors, not make them public.
5. Reconciling the Hadith in Bukhari with Other Ahadith
Insisting on a strict approach of only considering the Hadith in Bukhari and concluding that the Sunnah should be abandoned if missed is incorrect as outlined. This approach ignores other authentic narrations that clarify the ruling, as noted above.
The correct methodology is:
To gather all related narrations on a topic. To see the actions of the Rasool ﷺ and his companions, not just isolated actions or statements. To derive a ruling that harmonizes all authentic evidence, rather than relying on a single Hadith to the exclusion of others. The Hanafi school does precisely this by giving priority to the consistent practice of the Rasool ﷺ and his companions over an isolated incident that might have been situational.
Allah Certainly Knows Best.
P.s. The above also reflects the opinion of Imam Abu Hanifa (رحمه الله), Imam Muhammad (رحمه الله) (student of Imam Abu Hanifa (رحمه الله)). It is also the opinion of Imam Shafi (رحمه الله), Imam Malik (رحمه الله), and Imam Ahmad bin hanbal (رحمه الله). (Please also read Kitabul Fatawa vol. 1 pg. 174). Sure, the wording for each them may differ, but they share such thinking on this matter.