Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

USA supports Israel 110%


Q: I am a student. I am not a Muslim. I am trying to understand this conflict in the Middel East. Why do Muslims feel and think the USA supports Israel 110%? I feel we can do so much more. Can Muslims ever unite or your history never allows you to do so? Do Muslims hate Jews and Christians. Can Muslims create a solution?? I am a Christian and heard you speak at xxxxx (university name withheld)

A: Your question is indeed complex and I will provide a concise answer suitable for your research. I will try and answer 3 of your questions as briefly as I can. Please call me up to talk more. Please research each of the following points for greater understanding. Please read the works of Edward Said.

International Relations and U.S. National Interests

International relations – especially those involving the United States are heavily influenced by national interests and foreign policy objectives. Nations establish and maintain relationships based on the advantages they can secure – nations align themselves with their economic interests and have strategic goals in place to accomplish this end. I am confidant, every political science and student of history is well aware of this. It is a realty we would like to be different!

Separating International Relations from Religious Affiliations

It is important to emphasize that international relations are often separate from religious affiliations – be they Christian, Jewish, or any other faith. History reveals that harm inflicted upon Jews, in many instances was not the result of Muslim nations but of actions by Christian nations. Multiple Muslim countries have in fact provided sanctuary to Jews, offering them refuge to rebuild their lives and communities. When Jews sought a homeland in Palestine, their plea reverberated and the Arabs assisted: “Europe subjected us to the Holocaust; please be more compassionate toward us.” However, some argue that certain Jews involved in hostilities against Palestinians might be driven by a desire to serve a disruptive role within Arab nations in the Middle East on behalf of their European and U.S. sponsors. This in turn attempts to sow the seeds of insecurity within Arabs neighbors — potentially ensuring that the puzzle may never be reassembled. So Muslim support for Jews is not only documented but well known to both – Jews and Christians. The roots of the division is also well documented by all – Jews, Christians and Muslims alike.

Internal Divisions in the Muslim Community

It is essential to recognize that divisions within the Muslim community are not solely influenced by external factors but are also deeply rooted within the internal dynamic structure of Islam and what Muslims are to deal with. Not that Islam is seeking conflict; we have texts that allow for separate interpretation on matters, and some use differences to segregate society. Various factors contribute to these divisions – lack of education, following a cultural norm over religion, erosion of family values, breakdown of bonds of love and respect, and the disregard for core values that unite individuals within the community.

Final words: International relations, particularly those involving the United States, are influenced by national interests and foreign policy objectives, a principle well-recognized in the field of political science. The separation of international relations from religious affiliations is crucial, as historical events reveal that harm inflicted upon certain groups transcends religious boundaries. While some divisions within the Muslim community are rooted in both internal and external factors, it is vital to emphasize that this discussion does not seek to downplay the suffering of any group or the gravity of the Palestinian crisis. Instead, it serves as a call for reflection on the role of Muslims in today’s divided world and the need to cherish universal human values, fostering love, and safety for all, regardless of background or belief.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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