Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Black magic, white magic not always the same as circus magic (part 3)


Q. they make things like taveez and special products to put in water and drink it and so forth.  Also wouldn’t it be possible that the ones that undo the black magic also does black magic?  To me this all sounds wrong.   So it seems that undoing the magic is not always the best option. But at the same time even the Prophet (S) undid the charm while reciting Surah an-Nas and Falaq.

A. Taweez (amulet) in itself is not haraam so long as it is words from quran and sunnah. However, due to the temptation of wealth, many quacks have in their amulet codes that which do not give you a lasting cure. Thus, you are forced back to the ‘witch’ doctor, so as to advance their careers. Some can cure but dabble in shady dealings limiting a full benefit for patients.

From the Hadith attached to a group of sahaba that cured a leader on their travels, we learn, to pay a person is allowed, provided the cure is complete. The cure for the given illness cannot be ‘time fixed’ for a given duration so as to manipulate persons and the jinn for personal or other gain.

One should not just limit themselves to reciting only Surahs AnNaas and Falaq, but look into other duaas and ayats the prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) and sahaba have recited to help reduce evil sent by others upon self. Also, if one seeks cure from evil, their only option is to live a righteous life. Although one may suffer, living a righteous life brings ease to calamity. (click here to continue)

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

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