Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

December 12, 2016
by Ml. Muhammed Shoayb

purchase the guarantee package

Q: Some of my friends have said tht buying a sears product and the service package with it is haram. If it breaks the owner is out of luck or must pay for it form their side. Can i one buy the guarantee package.

A: Yes, you can purchase the guarantee package. It should best be done at the time of purchase.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.

November 28, 2016
by Ml. Muhammed Shoayb
1 Comment

Ohio State University

Being a student is challenging enough. Today, Ohio State University students had deal with Abdul Razak’s stabbing spree. In all sincerity,  our thoughts are with the victims of this horrific and savage attack. We sincerly pray for your safety and speedy recovery.

Muslims are grateful and congraulate first responders for their professional and fast response. You have done an awesome job in providing safety and security of humanity. May God, whom Muslims call Allah, bless you and your families, Ameen

Our community urges Muslims and invites our neighbors to come together and communicate on matters of concern. Lashing out in this manner, especially for a human is not befitting. We are part of an open and diverse society. We should continue to stand together to rid our communities of senseless violence. And as members of a close-knit community, we must especially take greater interest in those individuals who are experiencing mental or behavioral instabilities, and assist them in seeking a balanced, safe, and fulfilling life.

We pray to Allah, Lord of the universe, to reward the families and friends as well as the people of Ohio who are in deep pain and suffering great hardship.

November 17, 2016
by Ml. Muhammed Shoayb

web of the hands and feet

Q: When I make whudu I  was told to wash between wash fingers and toes. This I know. But I am also told to make khilaal. Why do we have to do it (washing) twice. Just curious. Thanks. (text)

A: Khilaal is wiping of the webs of the hands/toes after one has washed the hands/feet. In the case of hands, the khilaal is done after the wiping of the head also known as  masah.  In the case of the feet, it is done after the washing of the feet. khilaal is not fard (compulsory.) It is viewed as sunnah – e – muakkadah (emphasized sunnah.) Doing it increases the reward of the whudhu.

Allah Certainly Knows Best.