Q: As salaamu alaykum, my companion well I guess you can say xcompanion started a mess in my marriage. I was going to marry a brother that went over seas and by the decree of Allah this did not happen, and his companion asked me to marry him and I did, I never knew why the other brotha just stopped contacting me so it made it easier to make the decision to my his companion. My companion was suppose to marry the companion that asked me to marry him but it never happened they tried a couple of times but it just never happened. So I told here that he had asked to marry me and she got upset I understood her being mad and let him know that I didnt want to hurt her (even though it had been a yr since they talked) and that it might not be a good choice to marry him. Now at one time she was going to marry another one of his companions but that didnt work out for her either. So us 3 all talked on the phone and he had explained to her that he wanted to marry me and that she should fear Allah, saying love for your brother what you love for yourself. She didnt want to talk tohim with me on the phone so I told him to call and talk to her to see what she wanted to do, turns out she still wanted to marry him and I was just Iin shock. However Iit goes she got upset when we were all out have a sit down one time cause he was showing me alot of attention and she had an attitude and started saying and doing lil slick things to the point that he didnt end up marrying her. But me and him did get married. She was still bitter about this whole matter and went and married a brotha out of spite and divorced him on time when she though me and my husband was getting a divorce. Now since she was my companion I would tell her how I felt about alot of things basically confide to her and she would do the same. One day me and my husband and another one of his companion are in the car and I was talking to her on the phone about her and her husband and was telling her how she needs to support him and we started talking about her marrying him out of spite cause she really wanted to marry my husband, big mistake cause his companion went back and told her husband everything we talked about in the car. She got mad at me and told my husband everything I ever told her, from me being a lil confussed about me and his companion not getting married, to me still texting my exhusband , but she added so much more bs that he was going to divorce me how ever it goes he forgave me for telling her our business and for whatever else I did, but I dont see him nomore we really dont talk and he has another wife so I just feel as though im in the way. Should I just get a divorce?
Time: February 3, 2015 at 6:06 PM
A: Walaikumsalam,
I do not even know what you asking. Please have your query eddited before you send it back to us.
Wishing each of you the best, ameen
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