Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

So…about those ads…


Assalaamu’Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh,

The Imam has informed us that he has been getting a lot of complaints lately about the ads that show up on the posts to this site. We’d like to take the time to clear up some minor bits of contention:

  1. this website does not display or choose to display the ads; they are placed automatically by WordPress on (what they determine to be) higher-traffic websites. It helps them offset the costs of providing free hosting.
  2. we do not get a choice in what kinds of ads are displayed, which is a real shame, as we understand that some of the ads have been offensive to you. Unfortunately, we don’t see the ads when we are browsing around here, so if you could email us screenshots of the ads that are offending you, that would be great. That would also be better than bothering the Imam by telling him something vague about “that ad I saw that time and the other time and two years ago.”
  3. we make absolutely no money from the ads. In fact, since we’ve not received complaints about ads for a while now, we thought the little ad problem went away. So, no, we don’t get anything out of the ads that offend (or the ones that don’t!).

Finally, as this appears to be a really burning issue, we will be moving this website off WordPress, and getting it hosted elsewhere. We’ll be paying for it, as every free ride has to come to an end at some point, right?

InshaAllah, this move will happen within the next few weeks. (Yes, we’ve said this before, but you all stopped complaining about the things that mattered most to you, so it was easy to let it slide off the top of our To-Do List.) So, stay tuned: an address change is about to come to a screen near you.

Fi Amanillah,

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