Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

we must be cautious as to who we give out hear to


Humans, regardless of their wealth, health or social position have one fundamental desire: to love and be loved. There is so much more to just loving people and things.
Thus, although we realize that God is Independent, love for God is an essential element related to our spiritual development. To help with our development, this love of God requires us to follow His prophet (pbuh), no different from that which was expected of the Jews and Christians. For Muslims, loving God requires an individual to also follow Mohammad (pbuh), loving His daughters and His other family members while also loving and learning from the examples of all the prophets of God in a loving manner.
Being honest, caring, sincere, generous, firm on matters of integrity while trying to be the best human are aspects of showing our love to God and His messengers. It may be a challenge, however using creativity in fulfilling this challenge reaps awesome rewards. So, let’s love and love as God wants us to love. This can be also our amazing gift to humanity.

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