Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

‘modest wife’ should not make you immodest


Q: i am from  x (foreign country ame withheld). It is common for us to have multiple wives.i have four alhamdulillah. Alhamdulillah my oldest wife is 35 and the youngest one is 19. they all get along very good alhamdulillah. My youngest wife shiek is extremly shy. she is also very very modest. i have read about such a girl in books. it is amazing shiek. We are married for 6 months. to explain shiek she will never even call her parents until i remind her. she has never even looked me in the face. she respects my wives like mothers subhanallah. she would not even give a gift to her nicies or nephews until i forced her to shop something for them shiek. she has never missed a salah and always stands up to pray when the muazzin calls. everyday she reads quran for an hour and reads on the life of Rasool sallallawho alayhewasalam everyday without fail. i admire her for her taqwa. i cannot stop thinking about her shiek because of her taqwa. so that is is clear about her. can i be with her in the bedroom with my other wives and have them show her how it is done. i have tried calling you but mashaallah you were busy. your answer is apprecaited. MaSalam

A: It is apparent that the need for adult relations for you is not as great as compared to a person that does not even have a wife. This being apparent, kindly take the following into consideration:

Teach you wife her rights. Explain to her the importance of being modest as well as shy. Likewise, explain to her the etiquette in how she can always express her needs and wants. If by nature she is non-expressive, it is very important that you pick up on subtle cues. If she is indeed suffering from extreme shyness, it is best you befriend her on a greater level: share stories, go to Islamic events together, etc. You have multiple wives, i am sure you know better on how to accomplish this.

As far as doing intimate things, they can only be done on a one on one bases, they cannot be done in front of other wives. Group relations as implied by you is totally forbidden! (haram)

Allah Certainly Know Best.

p.s. you have sent this email 3 times and only because you have left a voice message have i chosen to answer it.  Honestly, at first i really thought this question was madeup for drama. My sincere apologies.

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