Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Tafseer (Night 26)


The note takers and the admins are very apologetic that these tafseer notes for nights 26 and 27 of Ramadan did not make it to you sooner. We do hope that you can forgive us on this final day of fasting for this delay.

Nightly Notes (26):

Tonight we read Surah Duha wherein Allah (SWT) takes an oath on the rising the sun, on its brightness, on its heat (Ch. 93, Verse 1). This is why Salaatul Duha is prayed when the rays of the sun are hotter; we seek refuge from feeling the fire of Jahannam in the next world. Then again, in the next ayah (Ch. 93, Verse 2) Allah (SWT) takes an oath on the night. Why has Allah created the night? Is it for arguing? No! When it is dark that is a hint from Allah (SWT) to settle and calm down everything and take a ‘chill pill’. Imam Shaf’ee (RA) talks about speaking on cool and calm talks after Isha. That it is a sin to discuss ‘hot topics’. Traditional scholars will also eat light with some fruit, some water, and some warm milk (which helps lull you to sleep). Further, look at the example of Rasulullah (SAW): he would joke with his family members after Isha. How many of us in all honesty follow this noble and uplifting Sunnah in our nights with our families? Instead, we get into arguments and make international calls that turn into more than just ‘Assalamu Alaykum, how are you (so and so)?’ and then we go to bed. No wonder our nights are messed up and we can’t get any sleep.

This in turn messes up our days because we are dead tired with having no rest when Allah (SWT) is prescribing in the Qur’an why He created the night in the first place! Who are we to argue with Allah (SWT)?

Why has Allah (SWT) taken an oath on the day and then again on the night? Because in the following ayah (Ch. 93, Verse 3) Allah (SWT) is speaking to Rasulullah (SAW) directly that He has not forsaken him. What is the context of this ayah and why was it revealed? Because Rasulullah (SAW) had lost his son in his infancy age and the Kuffaar (disbelievers) were mocking the believers that now your religion, Islam, will come to an end. Allah (SWT) is saying no, no, no O Rasulullah (SAW) Allah (SWT) loves you. Why is it in this day and age (we’re not talking about the so-called backward ‘past’ here) that if the first child of a family is a daughter that we indirectly mock them and then say, “How unlucky you are, you have a daughter… Don’t worry, Allah (SWT) will give you sons, insha’Allah”. Is there a secret baby factory somewhere where people can go and pick out what gender they want? This is the system of Allah (SWT) dear brothers and sisters in Islam, He gives boys to some, girls to some, and some He gives nothing. That is why this ayah was revealed, to tell to everyone, believers and disbelievers alike, that the religion of Islam will continue forward and does not depend on any son of Rasulullah (SAW) to stay alive.

If Allah wants something to continue it will continue.

We must remember that we are not made for this world but for the Hereafter (Ch. 93, Verse 4). The world may laugh at us but we cannot let the world pull us down. Allah continues by saying, soon He will give Rasulullah (SAW) in abundance (Ch. 93, Verse 5). Isn’t it true that people who go for Umrah or after performing Hajj visit the grave of Rasulullah (SAW)? Rasullullah (SAW)’s sacrifice level was so high (look up Year of Tears) that his wife, mother, and uncle passed away and the level of love he had was so great for his beloved wife, Khadeeja (RA) he would slaughter an animal on her behalf every time he slaughtered an animal. Rasulullah (SAW) endured all that with patience and to this day people are remembering him and visiting his grave.

We can’t get without giving.

Even a poor person has a heart. We think they’re stupid, we think they can’t think straight but let’s think about what a scholar has said, ‘even a poor person has a heart’. Those poor people, if they have Sabr (patience) with their temporary circumstances, Allah will give to them, so long as they keep their eye on what they need to keep their eye on.

Allah then delivers the main punchline (Ch. 93, Verse 6) that Rasulullah (SAW) was an orphan (Arabic word yateem ­­- someone who has lost their father before reaching age of maturity). Despite being an orphan, Allah gave Rasulullah (SAW) prophethood. Today we look down on orphans. We say they’re not good for the community, that they are violent. Have we forgotten that the greatest man (SAW) to ever walk this earth was an orphan? So how can in today’s time can we treat orphans the way we do?

Help out the yateem, help out the poor, and revitalize a great Sunnah.

Rasulullah (SAW) was unable to read to or write, yet he was given the Qur’an (Ch. 93, Verse 7). The Qur’an is such a Book, that it taught the world how to write books. The syntax of Arabic grammar became a reality because of the Qur’an. We talk about how Shakespeare had shaped English in the past, and yet today Shakespearean English is dead and obsolete. How many friends do you have that text you using Shakespeare?

Allah says did We not find you ((Rasulullah (SAW)) poor (Ch. 93, Verse 8)? He had no money so all the foster mothers picked up all of the other children and were debating to take Rasulullah (SAW) and his foster mother Halima (RA) came last to take him. Look at how raising Rasulullah (SAW) brought so much barakah (blessing) in Halima (RA)’s life and her family members.

There are a few takeaways from tonight’s Tafseer:

  1. Realize the greatness of Allah (SWT).
  2. Allah (SWT) is addressing Rasulullah (SAW) directly in this Surah.
  3. Do not be harsh to orphans. Rasulullah (SAW) adopted Zaid (RA) who was black and wanted to give him his (SAW)’s name. We should follow Rasulullah (SAW)’s example and be kind to orphans and support them in whatever manner we can.
  4. Do not scold or mock a beggar.
  5. Allah (SWT) is telling Rasulullah (SAW) to speak of the favors of Allah (SWT) so you and I should not be despondent as well. We should also talk about the blessings of Allah (SWT). If we start being positive and talking positively then positive things will happen to us. This happened with Rasulullah (SAW) despite his child passing away and the same can be applied to you and I. The same thing is true about being negative – if we are negative and talk negatively, then don’t be surprised when negative things happen to you. If we think positively of Allah (SWT)’s favors and blessings on us, Allah (SWT) will reciprocate us with even more positivity in our lives. If we think negatively of Him and are ungrateful then we will continue to have negativity in our lives.
  6. Psychologists now say to go and smile at people, go and wave to fight depression. Allah is saying the same thing in the Qur’an over 1400 years ago and saying to serve other people. When we serve others (ex: the yateem, the poor, etc.) then we will be positive just like Rasulullah (SAW) was during adverse times and we have discussed in detail how Allah (SWT) rewarded him, so we will insha’Allah be rewarded in a like manner as well.

May Allah (SWT) help us and guide us at all times.

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