Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Tafseer (Night 21)


Ramadan 21, 1435/2014 Tafseer, by Imam Muhammed Shoayb Mehtar, Khadeeja Islamic Center, SLC, Utah

Nightly Notes (21)*:

Lately we’ve been reading Surahs that start or mention Sabbaha-lillah. This means the remembrance of Allah, to make Tasbih. Why does Allah use these words over and over again? These Surahs were revealed in the Madinah period. Why in Madinah and not Makkah? Because Allah is saying, now that you are successful, the hardships are over, don’t get complacent. The anxiety level is down so give yourself to Allah. If this was the case for the Sahabah, what do you think, that this Surah doesn’t apply to you and I as well? Of course it does. Isn’t it convenient that we remember Allah when it comes to crunch time such as finals week if you’re a college student? Or a project is due at work? Then we remember Allah.

But when things are good, we have money in the bank, we have an easy time in life, then we forget Allah.

Whatever is in the earth, whatever is in the sky, every single entity is remembering Allah. Our duty is to remember Allah. Our hair, this microphone, these walls, etc. are all remembering Allah. How can we comprehend inanimate objects remembering Allah and yet, we as humans who have a brain (given by Allah) can’t remember who gave us the ability to think in the first place?  Allah created everything to remember Him. Dolphins, sharks, various fish in the sea make consistent sounds (hint: not mating sounds). What are these sounds for? Even though you and I can’t understand they are remembering Allah in their own way.

What is the message from Allah? Make Tasbih (remembrance) of Allah at all times.

O you who have Imaan, make sincere Tawbah (derived from ayah). Let go of that wrong that follows you around like a dark shadow on your (bright) Imaan. Pick up your hands and ask Allah to get out of your wrong and straighten you and I out. If you’re stuck in a not so good contract, for example, make your tawbah and don’t worry about what people think. People’s business is their business. Your business is your business.

Allah will insha’Allah forgive your sins and you will have what is called a ‘Jannah repertoire’.

Allah shall not disgrace Nabi (SAW) and the Mu’im that is with him. So make tawbah to Allah to wipe out your sins and gain closeness to Rasulullah (SAW). If we did this Allah will elevate us in this world as well as the Hereafter. Look at the wife of Fir’awn  (Pharaoh). She was remorseful that she was a part of him, a sinner. Women generally go through (positive) changes and men don’t like that. They want women to dye their hair, wear inappropriate clothing that they may have been accustomed to wearing prior to marriage to excite the men (it doesn’t take much). But the wife of Fir’awn went through tremendous amount of change, so much so, that Fir’awn wanted to kill her. He placed a boulder on top of her to kill her. Because she did a sincere tawbah Allah showed her place in Jannah to such an extent that she did not even feel the boulder crushing her to death.

Create dynamic change in your life and don’t let your spouse, parents, children, etc. hold us back.

Rasulullah (SAW) will say such words of praise to Allah that have never been uttered before, he will make Sajdah, on the Day of Judgment, so much so that Allah will be as if in the state of being embarrassed (does Allah need to be embarrassed about anything?) that He will say go and take your people to Jannah. This should motivate us to do better. This and other aspects are discussed in Surah Tahrim, Ayah 8.  Remember Allah in these last 10 blessed nights of Ramadan. Wherein Allah frees thousands and thousands, emancipates thousands and thousands from Jahannam. So isn’t it about time that we ask our parents for forgiveness for the wrongs that we have done to them? Do not focus on what they have done wrong and expand your Jahannam. Rather, pray 2 raka’ats for them, text them and beg them for forgiveness. If we did this, what parent would not want to forgive their child? If your parents have passed away then visit their friends, assist their friends, and the du’a that you will get from them will be so great that it will enable us to go to the next level with our Imaan.

May Allah (SWT) help us and guide us at all times.


*Nightly Notes provided by note-takers in the masjid, as heard during tafseer.

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