Know Your Deen

Islamic QA for North America

Tafseer (Night 20)

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Ramadan 20, 1435/2014 Tafseer, by Imam Muhammed Shoayb Mehtar, Khadeeja Islamic Center, SLC, Utah

Nightly Notes (20)*:

Tonight we read Surah Waqi’ah. In today’s time we want our children to be educated, to make good money, and to share that money with us. But they just take and take and take and don’t give back. On the other hand, parents are breaking religious rules to ensure their children get good education so that the parents can get a return on investment from their children (ROI). This too is wrong. We should try to recite this Surah after Maghrib and make our families recite it as well. Allah says in this Surah that  He is the one that gives us. Some people are highly educated but don’t have a job. Others have little to no education and are making bank. The purpose of reciting this Surah is not to just get money, it is to get barakah (blessing) in our lives. What is the point of wealth if you and I can’t enjoy it?

No barakah in our lives = no enjoyment of wealth.

Allah will bless us and our families through having us and them recite this Surah on a continual basis and the result will be tremendous amount of barakah in our lives.

Allah discusses two groups of people, those on the right, and those on the left. Who are those people who belong amongst the group on the right? They are those that will get their Book of Deeds in their right hand. They made the sacrifice in this world to gain in the Hereafter. Who are those people who belong amongst the group on the left? They will get their book in their left hand. For them, they will be dragged into Jahannam (Hellfire), they will go through nefarious hooks, etc. Why does Allah mention these two groups?

Allah is saying to you and I, to choose wisely… which group do we want to be a part of?

Allah presents us with the problem and then gives us the solution. He does this constantly throughout the Qur’an. What is the problem? We have become forerunners in everything in this world. We go to tradeshows to see how the market is like, who our competitors are, the quality of the products, are they coming from China, are they coming from Belgium, etc. What is the solution? To take that same energy that we apply into our worldly lives and focus and channel it towards Allah for the reward of Jannah (Paradise). A Mu’min (one who has Taqwa and follows the commandments of Allah) is that individual who is the first to come for Salah (prayer). They don’t move from that spot unless they break their wudhu (ablution). They sit after the Salah and make du’a (supplication) to Allah, make istighfaar (asking Allah for forgiveness). They are among the Ambiyaa (prophets), they are those who have done Hijrah (migration) for Allah’s sake. They have earned coming closer to Allah. There is a lifestyle choice that we all have the choice to make, do we want to get closer to Allah or Shaytan? It really is that black and white, there is no middle ground. The Mu’mineen will be given a blissful Jannah as a reward. Allah compares the people of Jannah and Jahannam.

This is a month of change and this is the time to do some serious reflection and ask ourselves, are we on the straight and true pathway that will get us closer to Allah and Jannah or is that pathway meandering and misleading us towards Shaytan and Jahannam?

We are forerunners in this worldly life, isn’t it about time that we become forerunners in our religion and become a part of the front line and get closer to Allah?

Allah will read Surah Rahman to the dwellers of Jannah. The purpose of this Surah is for us to realize the greatness of Allah. Allah mentions in this Surah what blessings will we refuse of His? We live in the mountains, we can see the 2 oceans meeting and their different colors, what is the point of all this? It isn’t to send pictures to people of where I live and where I went on vacation and look how pretty the colors are. It is for you and I to reflect on the blessings of Allah and change our life and those around us.

We should not just memorize this Surah, we should ponder over the oft-repeated phrase, which blessing(s) of Allah are we refusing?

We need to become leaders  in our religion. We should be the forerunners in ethics (political, religious, social, business, etc.) We should treat our families good. We should treat our children good. We should treat our neighbors good. We should be forerunners of Salah. We should make du’a to Allah that He gives us guidance. The Salaam we say at the end of our Salah is to the angels. The point of saying Astaghfirullah is to reflect on how can I let go of bad deeds, bad habits, bad manners, bad conduct, etc. When we give salaam to one another we should reflect on how we can become at peace with our lives and those around us. We should become forerunners of Islam to better ourselves. However, one result or side effect of being forerunners in our religion is that others will admire the good in us and want to follow and emulate us, be it our friends, family, children, spouse, etc. As a result, Allah will give us success and those around us.

May Allah (SWT) help us and guide us at all times.

*Nightly Notes provided by note-takers in the masjid, as heard during tafseer.

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